Thinking Loud, Loud Thinking

Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Creative Conclusion

"Hold on papa...i did not like the end. Let me change it." said my 9-year-old, when I asked him to narrate the story of The Snake and Herons. I was going by the book correcting him through the narration.


The actual story ends with the mongoose who had killed the snake, eats up heron's chicks too. Herons had lured the mongoose to their tree, in order to kill the snake, who preyed on the heron's chicks, and was a constant threat to them.





The kid changed the end like this:


The Mongoose kills the snake and makes a deal with the Herons, that they will provide him with fresh fishes daily and he will protect the tree and chicks when they are out to find the food. The Herons and Mongoose become friends eventually, after a year they celebrated the chick's birthday together, and live happily ever after.


World of grown-ups and kids are different. The original story was written by a grown-up, the kid changed it. An Open mind saw possibilities and challenged the norm. Creativity challenged preordination.


We too have stories in our lives, we may not have started, but we can definitely choose how it concludes. An Open mind & creativity is what is required.


How will you conclude the story?

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